About Me

I'm a mother and grandmother to my 25 year old daughter, 6 year old granddaughter, and 3 year old grandson. I'm also an Independent Team Beachbody Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, and a Reiki Master.

Living a healthy lifestyle is important to me. It allows me to enjoy a happy, active and fulfilling life. It is my passion to help others achieve their fitness goals while I continually work on my own. Being a Team Beachbody Coach allows me to follow this passion.

In April 2007 I weighed 253 lbs. I have lost 130 lbs so far. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I used to spend my free time sitting in bed, watching TV, eating tubs of ice cream and boxes of donuts. Sounds like the good life, right? WRONG!!! I was miserable, depressed, a walking pharmacy, had to use a CPAP machine to breath at night, and I was unable to walk around the house or up a flight of stairs without being totally out of breath. Now, I am only in bed to sleep, I rarely ever watch TV, I eat 5-6 meals a day (lean protein, fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, Shakeology, healthy fats), take NO prescription medications, no longer use a machine to breath at night, have plenty of energy to enjoy life, and I exercise/workout 6 days a week (and LOVE it)! NOW I am TRULY enjoying the GOOD LIFE! YOU can have the GOOD LIFE too! Let me be your guide, your Coach. Nothing brings me more pleasure in life than to help others with their fitness goals and live THE GOOD LIFE! 

As a Beachbody Coach and a Certified Personal Trainer I am dedicated to helping you reach your goals of becoming happier and healthier through fitness and nutrition.
I promise to coach you through your weight loss, muscle building and overall fitness journey. I can offer you all the tools and guidance necessary, backed by the most effective workout programs and supplements available, to get into the best shape of your life- and help you stay there! Sign up for a free Team Beachbody membership by visiting my website.

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