Monday, October 20, 2014

21 Day Fix

It’s all the buzz in the fitness world, Autumn Calabrese's workout program, the 21 Day Fix!!  It came out on February 3rd, 2014.  It is a rapid weight loss program that is designed to give you  a nutrition guide with portion controlled containers, a workout program, plus the support and accountability of me as your coach!

What is the 21 Day Fix?
The 21 Day Fix program takes the guesswork out of weight loss. It’s a unique portion-control system combined with easy-to-follow workouts that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Trainer Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple choices that add up to life-changing results.
Umm hello, sounds perfect, right?!!!   I am so excited about this!  How often do you feel this way;  you are eating healthy, you are exercising, but you just aren’t losing weight.  Usually, it comes down to portion sizes of the food you are eating. So this program is specifically designed to help you in that area!!

What is included?

In the 21 Day Fix Challenge Pack: You will receive 7 workouts on 2 DVDs – Dirty 30 workout, Total Body Cardio Fix, Upper Fix, Lower Fix, Pilates Fix, Cardio Fix, Yoga Fix. Plus the nutrition guide with 7 containers for portion control. You will also get a workout calendar, 3-day Quick Fix that Autumn uses for photoshoots, an eating plan, and 24/7 Online support, and a shaker cup. Plus a 30 day supply of Shakeology in any flavor.

What does the nutrition plan look like?

The nutrition plan is simple. No food is off limits because everything is in moderation. The food is easy to shop for, prep, and eat. You are allowed Shakeology. When you order the 21 Day Fix, you receive portioned food storage containers that are measured out for the perfect portion. You don’t have to count calories. It’s planned out all by containers. The containers are easy to carry with you, and they are microwave and dishwasher safe!

Can I modify meal plans for my needs?

Yes! The meal plan can be adapted to meet your needs, and there are directions on how to do so included with the materials you’ll receive when you order the 21 Day Fix.

Can I have a cheat meal?

Yes. You can have a treat a few times a week, and she does break down how to include for something like a glass of wine or chocolate.

What results can I expect?

People generally lose up to 10-15lbs! It isn’t a starvation or quick-fix type of program either. You can lose 10-15lbs and keep it off when you practice the healthy habits you learn in those 21 days.

What are the workouts like?

They are 30 minutes long and vary daily. Autumn Calabrese is the trainer. Each workout is intense and necessary to your results. Two of the things I love about the 21 Day Fix is 1) the workouts are only 30 minutes, and 2) there are modifications for everyone. So whether you are a beginner or an athlete, these workouts will work for you.

What equipment will I need?

You’ll need a set of dumbbells or a resistance band.

So how can you score your own copy of the 21 Day Fix?!?

For starters you can sign up for a FREE Beachbody accountmessage me on Facebook, or shoot me an email at rachaelebner AT gmail DOT com.Then I will send you the details of the 21 Day Fix.  I will be hosting challenge groups for individuals who would like the continued support, guidance, motivation and accountability to start and complete the workout program! I will be there to walk you through the nutrition plan, to teach you how to plan it out, how to make it work for your lifestyle, and to keep you accountable.  The group is done through an online closed support group. That means that no one but the members of the group can see what is being posted.  I will not let you fail!  If you invest in me, then I will invest in you!  The only cost is the cost of the challenge pack which includes everything you need to get started.  The 21 day nutrition guide, the program manual, the workouts, free shipping, discounted price and me as your coach for the accountability, support and guidance!  Let’s make it happen!  You are going to  look amazing this spring and summer!  Why not start now!?  You can be the next TRANSFORMATION STORY!!!
More Q & A
21 Day Fix Challenge Pack:
Price: $140
21 Day Fix Base Kit
Price: $59.85

Which kit is included in the Challenge Pack? The 21 Day Fix Base Kit is included as well as a 30-day supply of Shakeology in any flavor and 1 month of free Beachbody VIP Club membership.
How long are the workouts? Approximately 30 minutes each.
What is the workout schedule? One 30-minute workout each day for 21 days.
What is included with the container set? 7 color-coded containers + Shakeology shaker cup.
Can the Eating plan be done on it’s own? For best results, the eating and workout plan is essential.
What if I’m already doing another Beachbody workout program? No problem! You can use the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan along with any other Beachbody workout program. However, you may need to adjust your portions if you are engaging in more intense and/or longer daily workouts.
Why can’t other containers be used? Few, if any, containers come in the sizes required.
Can I eat out at restaurants during the Fix? Yes! The Eating Plan includes a Restaurant Guide.
What does “no off-limit foods” mean? Treats (like dessert and wine) are incorporated, not off limits.
What about my dietary preferences? You can still eat vegetarian, vegan, paleo, primal, or low sodium using this program.
What happens after the 21 days? You can adjust your food portions for maintenance and continue exercise of your choosing or you can repeat the 21 Day Fix as many times necessary to reach your weight loss goals.
Will I have support? Yes!!! As your coach, I will be here to support you all along the way. You will also have the support and encouragement of the other Challenge Group participants. I have been fitness coaching for two years and I am also a Certified Personal Trainer. I’ve also had my own transformation and have lost 130 lbs with some of our other workout programs, eating healthy, and from drinking Shakeology every day. Just contact me or follow and contact me on Facebook.

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